
Rules for the admission of associations as «Observing Members » of ASI
1) « Reasons for becoming a member of A.S.I. »
General comments on the occupation of sommelier in the applicant country and general information on sommellerie training institutions and programmes. Also: Why do you want to become a member? What do you expect to receive in return?

2) By-laws, Internal Regulations and Registration of the association, in French and English.
a) A majority of the association’s membership must be reserved to professional sommeliers**.
Only professional sommeliers shall have voting rights and the right to become «Club» members.
b) The President and the Founding Committee, as well as the new presidents and new committee members democratically elected from time to time, must be professional sommeliers.

3) Submission of the list of candidate ASI members:
- For professional sommeliers, the following must be specified:
professional training and experience, current role, complete workplace address and telephone number, email address.
- For non-professionals, only the name and occupation are required.

4) Submission of several documents:
a) Minutes of the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ meeting for the last 2 years, in particular those regarding discussions on the association’s membership in A.S.I.,including the favourable vote of the applicant association’s members for their admission into A.S.I.
b) The press book of the main events held in the last two years before membership application.

5) Financial position and financial statements of the last 2 years
To be transmitted to the ASI Committee.

6) Visit and inspection
The President of A.S.I. and one or two members of the A.S.I, Committee or commissions (maximum 4 people) shall be allowed to verify the qualifications of the applicant association on site, through a visit of 2 days and 1 night (depending on the size of the country).
The applicant country (or association) shall assume responsibility for the visit from the time the inspectors arrive in the country.

7) « Observing Association »
The applicant association shall have the right to participate in the General Meeting and Board of Directors meetings as «observers», without voting rights and within a time limit to be determined by the Board of Directors.
The association shall pay annual dues equal to 50% of the current membership dues, under reserve of acceptance by the Board of Directors.
The association shall be required to pay 100% of the annual membership dues as soon as its membership is accepted and voted by the General Meeting.
However, if the association has already paid 50% of the dues for the current year, as provided above, it shall only be required to pay the balance amount

** to be specified in the Internal Regulations of each association

感謝 Leon 幫我們翻成中文

Rules for the admission of associations as «Observing Members » of ASI
1) « Reasons for becoming a member of A.S.I. » 欲成為ASI會員之理由
General comments on the occupation of sommelier in the applicant country and general information on sommellerie training institutions and programmes. Also: Why do you want to become a member? What do you expect to receive in return?
2) By-laws, Internal Regulations and Registration of the association, in French and English.以英文與法文做成之協會章程、內部規則與註冊登記
a) A majority of the association’s membership must be reserved to professional sommeliers**. 貴協會之多數會員籍應保留予專業侍酒師
Only professional sommeliers shall have voting rights and the right to become «Club» members. 僅專業侍酒師得享有投票與加入核心俱樂部之權利
b) The President and the Founding Committee, as well as the new presidents and new committee members democratically elected from time to time, must be professional sommeliers.現任與日後經民主方式選舉所生之各任協會會長與發起委員會之委員等,應為專業侍酒師。

3) Submission of the list of candidate ASI members: ASI會員候選國提出之組成員名冊
- For professional sommeliers, the following must be specified: 就專業侍酒師部分,應詳載下列各項:
professional training and experience, current role, complete workplace address and telephone number, email address. 專業訓練與經驗、現職、任職場所之完整地址與電話、電子郵件位址等資訊
- For non-professionals, only the name and occupation are required. 就非專業侍酒師部分,僅需載明姓名與職業。

4) Submission of several documents:其他各項文件之提出
a) Minutes of the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ meeting for the last 2 years, in particular those regarding discussions on the association’s membership in A.S.I.,including the favourable vote of the applicant association’s members for their admission into A.S.I. 最近兩年理事會與會員大會之會議記錄,特別係關於貴協會參與ASI申請之討論內容,包括貴協會章定多數決通過貴會申請參與ASI之記錄等。
b) The press book of the main events held in the last two years before membership application. 貴會申請前兩年內所舉辦之重大活動之公關活動記錄

5) Financial position and financial statements of the last 2 years
To be transmitted to the ASI Committee. 貴會過去兩年之財務狀況與財力證明應傳送至本會

6) Visit and inspection 訪視與查驗
The President of A.S.I. and one or two members of the A.S.I, Committee or commissions (maximum 4 people) shall be allowed to verify the qualifications of the applicant association on site, through a visit of 2 days and 1 night (depending on the size of the country). ASI會長與一到二位ASI各委員會之委員(總人數不得逾四人)得實地至貴會進行至多二天一夜之訪視並查驗貴協會作為申請人之資格是否相符。
The applicant country (or association) shall assume responsibility for the visit from the time the inspectors arrive in the country. 申請國/協會自前項所述查驗委員到達該國起,應負擔相關之一切責任。

7) « Observing Association »觀察員
The applicant association shall have the right to participate in the General Meeting and Board of Directors meetings as «observers», without voting rights and within a time limit to be determined by the Board of Directors. 申請人有權於本會理事會限定之期間內,以無投票權之觀察員身分參與本會之會員大會與理事會。
The association shall pay annual dues equal to 50% of the current membership dues, under reserve of acceptance by the Board of Directors. 貴會每年應繳納相當於一般會員年會費百分之五十之費用,本會保留接受與否之權利。
The association shall be required to pay 100% of the annual membership dues as soon as its membership is accepted and voted by the General Meeting. 貴會一經本會會員大會票決通過成為本會正式會員,即應負擔全額會費。
However, if the association has already paid 50% of the dues for the current year, as provided above, it shall only be required to pay the balance amount 惟若貴會就當年會費已繳納百分之五十時,僅需補繳剩餘部分即可。

** to be specified in the Internal Regulations of each association 依各協會之內部規則定之



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